viral là gì

Video views per week of a viral Clip (Gangnam Style), illustrating viral growth đồ sộ peak weekly viewership, in this case, in the eleventh week after it was posted.[1]
Cumulative Clip views, leading đồ sộ a lower, but relatively stable, long-term growth rate by the kết thúc of the first year.[1]

A viral video[2][3] is a Clip that becomes popular through a viral process of Internet sharing, typically through Clip sharing websites such as YouTube as well as social truyền thông media and tin nhắn.[4][5] For a Clip đồ sộ be shareable or spreadable, it must focus on the social logics and cultural practices that have enabled and popularized these new platforms.[6]

Viral videos may be serious, and some are deeply emotional, but many more are centered on entertainment and humorous nội dung. Notable early examples include televised comedy sketches, such as The Lonely Island's "Lazy Sunday" and "Dick in a Box", Numa Numa[7][8] videos, The Evolution of Dance,[7] Chocolate Rain[9] on YouTube; and web-only productions such as I Got a Crush... on Obama.[10] Some eyewitness events have also been caught on Clip and have "gone viral" such as the Battle at Kruger.[11]

Bạn đang xem: viral là gì

One commentator called the Kony 2012 Clip the most viral Clip in history[12] (about 34,000,000 views in three days[13] and 100,000,000 views in six days[14]), but "Gangnam Style" (2012) received one billion views in five months[15][16][17] and was the most viewed Clip on YouTube from 2012 until "Despacito" (2017).[18]


Videos were shared long before YouTube or even the Internet by word-of-mouth, film festivals, VHS tapes, and even đồ sộ fill time gaps during the early days of cable.[19] Perhaps the earliest was Reefer Madness, a 1936 "educational" film that circulated under several different titles. It was rediscovered by Keith Stroup, founder of NORML, who circulated prints of the film around college film festivals in the 1970s. The company who produced the prints, New Line Cinema, was sánh successful they began producing their own films.[19] The most controversial was perhaps a clip from a newscast from Portland, Oregon in November 1970. In the clip, the disposal of a beached whale carcass by dynamite is documented, including the horrific aftermath of falling mist and chunks since the exclusion zone was not big enough.[20] The exploding whale story obtained urban legend status in the Northwest and gained new interest in 1990 after Dave Barry wrote a humorous column about the sự kiện,[21] leading đồ sộ copies being distributed over bulletin board systems around 1994.[22]

The "humorous trang chính movie" genre dates back at least đồ sộ 1963, when the TV series "Your Funny, Funny Films"[23] debuted. The series showcased amusing film clips, mostly shot on 8mm equipment by amateurs. The idea was revived in 1989 with America's Funniest trang chủ Videos, a series described by an ABC executive as a one-time "reality-based filler special" that was inspired by a segment of a Japanese variety show, Fun With Ken and Kaito Chan, borrowing clips from various Japanese trang chính Clip shows as well.[24] Now[timeframe?] the longest-running primetime entertainment show in the history of ABC, the show's format includes showing clips of trang chính videos sent in đồ sộ the show's committee, and then the clips are voted on by a live filmed audience, with the winners awarded a monetary prize.[25]

During the internet's public infancy, the 1996 Seinfeld episode "The Little Kicks" addresses the distribution of a viral Clip through non-online, non-broadcast means. It concludes with the citizens of Thành Phố New York City having individually witnessed Elaine's terrible nhảy đầm via a bootleg copy of a feature film, establishing that the nhảy đầm footage had effectively gone viral.

Viral videos began circulating as animated GIFs small enough đồ sộ be uploaded đồ sộ websites over dial-up Internet access or through tin nhắn as attachments in the early 1990s.[26] Videos were also spread on message boards, P2P tệp tin sharing sites, and even coverage from mainstream news networks on television.[27] Two of the most successful viral videos of the early mạng internet era were "The Spirit of Christmas" and "Dancing Baby". "The Spirit of Christmas" surfaced in 1995, spread through bootleg copies on VHS and on the mạng internet, as well as an AVI tệp tin on the PlayStation game disc for Tiger Woods 99, later leading đồ sộ a recall.[27][28] The popularity of the videos led đồ sộ the creation of the television series South Park after it was picked up by Comedy Central.[29] "Dancing Baby", a 3D-rendered nhảy đầm baby Clip made in 1996 by the creators of Character Studio for 3 chiều Studio MAX, became something of a mid-late 1990s cultural icon in part due đồ sộ its exposure on worldwide commercials, editorials about Character Studio, and the popular television series Ally McBeal.[29][30][31] The Clip may have first spread when Ron Lussier, the animator who cleaned up the raw animation, began passing the Clip around his workplace, LucasArts.[32]

Later distribution of viral videos on the mạng internet before YouTube, which was created in 2005 and bought by Google in 2006, were mostly through websites dedicated đồ sộ hosting humorous nội dung, such as Newgrounds and YTMND, although message boards such as eBaum's World and Something Awful were also instrumental.[27] Notably, some nội dung creators hosted their nội dung on their own websites, such as Joel Veitch's site for his band Rather Good, which hosted quirky Flash videos for the band's songs; the most popular was "We Like the Moon", whose viral popularity on the mạng internet prompted Quiznos đồ sộ parody the tuy nhiên for a commercial.[33] The most famous self-hosted trang chính of viral videos is perhaps Homestar Runner, launched in 2000 and still running.[27] The introduction of social truyền thông media such as Facebook and Twitter has created even more avenues for videos đồ sộ go viral. More recently, there has been a surge in viral videos on Clip sharing sites such as YouTube, partially because of the availability of affordable digital cameras.[34] Beginning in December năm ngoái, YouTube introduced a "trending" tab đồ sộ alert users đồ sộ viral videos using an algorithm based on comments, views, "external references", and even location.[35] The feature reportedly does not use viewing history đồ sộ serve up related nội dung, and the nội dung may be curated by YouTube.[36]


There are several ways đồ sộ gauge whether a Clip has "gone viral". The statistic perhaps most mentioned is number of views, and as sharing has become easier, the threshold requirement of sheer number of views has increased. YouTube personality Kevin Nalty (known as Nalts) recalls on his blog: "A few years ago, a Clip could be considered 'viral' if it hit a million views", but says as of 2011, only "if it gets more phàn nàn 5 million views in a 3–7-day period" can it be considered "viral".[37][38] To compare, 2004's Numa Numa received two million hits on Newgrounds in its first three months (a figure explained in a năm ngoái article as "a staggering number for the time").[27]

Nalts also posits three other considerations: buzz, parody, and longevity,[37] which are more complex ways of judging a viral video's views. Buzz addresses the heart of the issue; the more a Clip is shared, the more discussion the Clip creates both online and offline. What he emphasizes is notable is that the more buzz a Clip gets, the more views it gets. A study on viral videos by Carnegie Mellon University found that the popularity of the uploader affected whether a Clip would become viral,[39] and having the Clip shared by a popular source such as a celebrity or a news channel also increases buzz.[37] It is also part of the algorithm YouTube uses đồ sộ predict popular videos.[35] Parodies, spoofs and spin-offs often indicate a popular Clip, with long-popular Clip view counts given with original Clip view counts as well as additional view counts given for the parodies. Longevity indicates if a Clip has remained part of the Zeitgeist.

Reasons for popularity[edit]

Due đồ sộ their societal impact and marketability, viral videos attract attention in both advertising and academia, which try đồ sộ tài khoản for the reason viral videos are spread and what will make a Clip go viral. Several theories exist.

A viral video's longevity often relies on a hook which draws the audience đồ sộ watch it. The hook, often a memorable phrase or moment, is able đồ sộ become a part of the viral Clip culture after being shown repeatedly. The hooks, or key signifiers, are not able đồ sộ be predicted before the videos become viral.[40] The early view pattern of a viral Clip can be used đồ sộ forecast its peak day in future.[5] Notable examples include "All your base are belong đồ sộ us", based on the poorly translated Clip game Zero Wing, which was first distributed in 2000 as a GIF animation and became popular for the grammatically incorrect hook of its title, and Don Hertzfeldt's 2000 Academy Awards Best Animated Short Film nomination "Rejected" with the quotable hooks "I am a banana" and "My spoon is too big!"[41] Another early Clip was the Flash animation "The End of the World", created by Jason Windsor and uploaded đồ sộ Albino Blacksheep in 2003, with quotable hooks such as "but I'm le tired" and "WTF, mates?"[41][42]

Rosanna Guadagno, a social psychologist at the University of Texas at Dallas, found in a study that people preferred đồ sộ share a funny Clip rather phàn nàn one of a man treating his own spider bite, and overall they were more likely đồ sộ share any Clip that evoked an intense emotional response.[43] Two professors at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania also found that uplifting stories were more likely đồ sộ be shared on the Thành Phố New York Times' trang web site phàn nàn disheartening ones.[43]

Others postulate that sharing is driven by ego in order đồ sộ build up an online persona for oneself. Chartbeat, a company that measures online traffic, compiled data comparing the amount of time spent reading an article and the number of times it was shared and found that people often post articles on Twitter they haven't even read.[43]

Categories by subject[edit]

Band and music promotion[edit]


This section needs expansion. You can help by adding đồ sộ it. (December 2015)

Many independent musicians, as well as large companies such as Universal Music Group, use YouTube đồ sộ promote videos. Six of the 10 most viral YouTube videos of năm ngoái were rooted in music.[44]

Xem thêm: phim one piece anime

One such Clip, the "Free Hugs Campaign" with accompanying music by the Sick Puppies, was one of the winners of the 2006 YouTube Awards.[45] However, the awards received criticism over the voting process and accused of bias.[46] However, the main character of the Clip, Juan Mann, received positive recognition after being interviewed on Australian news programs and appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show.[47]



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Viral videos continue đồ sộ increase in popularity as teaching and instructive sida. In March 2007, an elementary school teacher, Jason Smith, created TeacherTube, a trang web for sharing educational videos with other teachers. The site now features over 54,000 videos.[48] Some college curricula are now using viral videos in the classroom as well. As of 2009, Northwestern University offers a course called "YouTubing 101". The course invites students đồ sộ produce their own viral videos, focusing on marketing techniques and advertising strategies.[49]

Customer complaints[edit]

"United Breaks Guitars", by the Canadian folk rock music group Sons of Maxwell, is an example of how viral videos can be used by consumers đồ sộ pressure companies đồ sộ settle complaints.[50] Another example is Brian Finkelstein's Clip complaint đồ sộ Comcast, 2006. Finkelstein recorded a Clip of a Comcast technician sleeping on his couch. The technician had come đồ sộ repair Brian's modem but had đồ sộ Gọi Comcast's central office and fell asleep after being placed on hold waiting for Comcast.[51][52]


The Canadian high school student known as Star Wars Kid was subjected đồ sộ significant harassment and ostracizing after the viral success of his Clip (first uploaded đồ sộ the Internet on the evening of 14 April 2003).[53] His family accepted a financial settlement after suing the individuals responsible for posting the Clip online.[54]

In July 2010, an 11-year-old child with the pseudonym "Jessi Slaughter" was subjected đồ sộ a chiến dịch of harassment and cyberbullying following the viral nature of videos they had uploaded đồ sộ Stickam and YouTube. As a result of the case, the potential for cyberbullying as a result of viral videos was widely discussed in the truyền thông media.[55][56]

Police misconduct[edit]

The Chicago Tribune reported that in năm ngoái, nearly 1,000 civilians in the United States were shot and killed by police officers—whether the officers responsible were justified is now often publicly called into question in the age of viral videos.[57] As more people are uploading videos of their encounters with police, more departments are encouraging their officers đồ sộ wear toàn thân cameras.[58] The procedure for releasing such Clip is currently evolving and could potentially incriminate more suspects phàn nàn officers, although current waiting times of several months đồ sộ release such videos appear đồ sộ be attempted cover-ups of police mistakes.[59] In October năm ngoái, then-FBI Director James Comey remarked in a speech at the University of Chicago Law School that the increased attention on police in light of recent viral videos showing police involved in fatal shootings has made officers less aggressive and emboldened criminals. Comey has acknowledged that there are no data đồ sộ back up his assertion; according đồ sộ him, viral videos are one of many possible factors such as cheaper drugs and more criminals being released from prison. Other top officials at the Justice Department have stated that they bởi not believe increased scrutiny of officers has increased crime.[60]

Two videos went viral in October năm ngoái of a white school police officer assaulting an African-American student. The videos, apparently taken with cell phones by other students in the classroom, were picked up by local news outlets and then further spread by social truyền thông media.[61]

Dash cam videos of the Chicago police murder of Laquan McDonald were released after 14 months of being kept sealed, which went viral and sparked further questions about police actions. Chicago's mayor, Rahm Emanuel, fired Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy and there have also been demands for Emanuel đồ sộ resign.[62] A similar case, in which Chicago police attempted đồ sộ suppress a dash cam Clip of the shooting of Ronald Johnson by an officer, is currently part of an ongoing federal lawsuit against the đô thị.[63]

Political implications[edit]

The 2008 United States presidential election showcased the impact of political viral videos. For the first time, YouTube hosted the CNN-YouTube presidential debates, calling on YouTube users đồ sộ pose questions. In this debate, the opinions of viral Clip creators and users were taken seriously. There were several memorable viral videos that appeared during the chiến dịch. In June 2007, "I Got a Crush... on Obama", a music Clip featuring a girl claiming đồ sộ have a crush on presidential candidate Barack Obama, appeared. Unlike previously popular political videos, it did not feature any celebrities and was purely user-generated. The Clip garnered many viewers and gained attention in the mainstream truyền thông media.[64]

YouTube became a powerful source of campaigning for the 2008 Presidential Election. Every major các buổi tiệc nhỏ candidate had their own YouTube channel in order đồ sộ communicate with the voters, with John McCain posting over 300 videos and Barack Obama posting over 1,800 videos. The music Clip "Yes We Can" by demonstrates user-generated publicity for the 2008 Presidential Campaign. The Clip depicts many celebrities as well as Đen and white clips of Barack Obama. This music Clip inspired many parodies and won an Emmy for Best New Approaches in Daytime Entertainment.[65]

The proliferation of viral videos in the 2008 chiến dịch highlights the fact that people increasingly turn đồ sộ the mạng internet đồ sộ receive their news. In a study for the Pew Research Center in 2008, approximately 2% of the participants said that they received their news from non-traditional sources such as MySpace or YouTube.[66] The chiến dịch was widely seen as an example of the growing influence of the mạng internet on United States politics, a point further evidenced by the founding of viral Clip producers lượt thích Brave New Films.[67]

Xem thêm: hang yêu tinh

During the 2012 United States presidential election, "Obama Style" and "Mitt Romney Style", the parodies of Gangnam Style, both peaked on Election Day and received approximately 30 million views within one month before Election Day.[5] "Mitt Romney Style", which negatively portrays Mitt as an affluent, extravagant, and arrogant businessman, received an order of magnitude views more phàn nàn "Obama Style".[citation needed]

Financial implications[edit]

The trang web traffic gained by viral videos allows for advertising revenue. The YouTube trang web is monetized by selling and showing advertising. According đồ sộ the New York Times, YouTube uses an algorithm called "reference rank" đồ sộ evaluate the viral potential of videos posted đồ sộ the site. Using evidence from as few as 10,000 views, it can assess the probability that the Clip will go viral. Before YouTube implemented wide-scale revenue sharing, if it deemed the Clip a viable candidate for advertising, it contacted the original poster by e-mail and offered a profit-sharing contract. By this means, such videos as "David After Dentist" have earned more phàn nàn $100,000 for their owners.[68] One successful YouTube Clip creator, Andrew Grantham, whose "Ultimate Dog Tease" had been viewed more phàn nàn 170,000,000 times (as of June 2015), entered an agreement with Paramount Pictures in February 2012 for the development of a feature film. The film was đồ sộ be written by Alec Berg and David Mandel.[69] Pop stars such as Justin Bieber and Esmée Denters also started their careers via YouTube videos which ultimately went viral. By năm trước, pop stars such as Miley Cyrus, Eminem, and Katy Perry were regularly obtaining trang web traffic in the order of 120 đồ sộ 150 million hits a month, numbers far in excess of what many viral videos receive.

Companies also use viral videos as a type of marketing strategy. The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is considered đồ sộ have been one of the first viral marketing strategies đồ sộ hit the world when Dove released their Evolution Clip in 2006.[70] Their online chiến dịch continued đồ sộ generate viral videos when Real Beauty Sketches was released in 2013 and spread all throughout social truyền thông media, especially Facebook and Twitter.

Notable sites[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Internet meme
  • List of Internet phenomena
  • List of viral videos
    • List of viral music videos
  • Positive feedback
  • Seeding agency
  • Shock site
  • Streisand effect
  • Viral marketing


  1. ^ a b Raw data accessed 2 September 2018 from Wayback Machine archives of YouTube Clip page stored by (click on year 2012 or 2013).
  2. ^ Retrieved 30 March năm nhâm thìn, explains how "viral," which comes from virus, largely but not wholly relates đồ sộ "viral video" in an online context
  3. ^ Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved 30 March năm nhâm thìn, used the following example of how "viral" relates đồ sộ video: "the Clip went viral and was seen by millions" Archived 25 August năm nhâm thìn at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ "Definition of 'viral video'[permanent dead link]". PC Mag Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21 December 2012. Updated link:
  5. ^ a b c Lu Jiang, Yajie Miao, Yi Yang, ZhenZhong Lan, Alexander Hauptmann. Viral Video Style: A Closer Look at Viral Videos on YouTube. Retrieved 30 March năm nhâm thìn. Paper: Slides:
  6. ^ Jenkins, Henry (2013). Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture. NYU Press. p. 3.
  7. ^ a b "How YouTube made superstars out of everyday people". 11 April 2010. The Guardian.
  8. ^ "Guardian Viral Video Chart". 8 June 2007. The Guardian.
  9. ^ Murphy, Meagan (22 September 2010). "'Numa Numa Guy' Fronting Band, Still Single". FOX411.
  10. ^ Tapper, Jake (13 June 2007). "Music Video Has a 'Crush on Obama'". ABC News. Retrieved 27 December năm trước.
  11. ^ BBC News states "Almost 9.5m people have already watched the Clip, dubbed the Battle at Kruger, which was filmed by US tourist Dave Budzinski while he was on a guided safari." Published 9 Aug 2007. Retrieved 26 March năm nhâm thìn
  12. ^ Flock, Elizabeth (4 April 2012). "Kony 2012 screening in Uganda met with anger, rocks thrown at screen". The Washington Post.
  13. ^
    • "Kony 2012: What's the story". The Guardian. 8 March 2012. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
    • Quilty-Harper, Conrad (9 March 2012). "Kony 2010 Stats breakdown of the viral video". The Telegraph. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. Retrieved 26 March 2016. over 50 million views
  14. ^ "Kony most viral". Mashable. 12 March 2012. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
  15. ^ "How 'Gangnam Style' Went Viral [Graphic]". Scientific American. 1 January 2014. Retrieved 1 June 2016.
  16. ^ Weng, Lilian; Menczer, Filippo; Ahn, Yong-Yeol (2013). "Virality Prediction and Community Structure in Social Networks". Scientific Reports. 3: 2522. arXiv:1306.0158. Bibcode:2013NatSR...3E2522W. doi:10.1038/srep02522. PMC 3755286. PMID 23982106.
  17. ^ Laird, Sam (5 September 2012). "Gangnam Style! The Anatomy of a Viral Sensation [INFOGRAPHIC]". Mashable. Retrieved 1 June 2016.
  18. ^ "YouTube's 10 years of hits: Global recognition at last for Rick Astley". The Register. Retrieved 1 June 2016.
  19. ^ a b Floorwalker, Mike (26 February 2013). "10 Videos That Went Viral Before The Internet". ListVerse. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  20. ^ "Long before the viral Clip or 'breaking the internet', there was the exploding whale". 13 November năm ngoái. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  21. ^ Barry, Dave (20 May 1990). "Thar She Blows". The Washington Post.[dead link]
  22. ^ Harriet Baskas (6 January 2010). Oregon Curiosities: Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities, and Other Offbeat Stuff. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-7627-6201-9.
  23. ^ "Your Funny, Funny Films". IMDb. 8 July 1963.
  24. ^ Wiener-Bronner, Danielle (21 October 2015) "The mạng internet was supposed đồ sộ kill 'America’s Funniest trang chủ Videos.' Instead, it’s reviving it Archived 3 January năm nhâm thìn at the Wayback Machine." Fusion. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  25. ^ Lindenbaum, Sybil (25 November 2015). "America's Funniest trang chủ Videos Content Conquers Social Media With a Landmark 10 Million Subscribers". quảng bá Newswire. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  26. ^ Brown, Damon (13 September 2010). "Celebrating the Web's earliest viral hits". CNN. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  27. ^ a b c d e Merrill, Brad (17 June 2015). "Here’s How Videos Went Viral Before YouTube And Social Media". Make Use Of. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  28. ^ "Tiger Woods trò chơi Pulled." 15 January 1999. IGN. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  29. ^ a b "The history of viral video". Tuscoloosa News. 6 June 2007. Retrieved 23 November 2009.
  30. ^ McNamara, Paul (16 June 1997). "Baby talk: This twisting tot is all the rage on the 'Net". Network World. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
  31. ^ Lefevre, Greg (19 January 1998) "Dancing Baby cha-chas from the Internet đồ sộ the networks". CNN.
  32. ^ Lussier, Ron (2005). "Dancing Baby FAQ". Burning Pixel Productions.
  33. ^ Fine, Jon (16 February 2004). "Pop culture: Veitch's critters hit big in Quiznos spots". Advertising Age. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  34. ^ Grossman, Lev (24 April 2006). "How đồ sộ get famous in 3500 seconds". Time.
  35. ^ Cox, Jamieson (9 December 2015). "YouTube is making it easier đồ sộ find viral videos". The Verge. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  36. ^ a b c O'Neill, Megan (9 May 2011). "What Makes A Video 'Viral'?" AdWeek. Retrieved đôi mươi December 2013.
  37. ^ Nalts (pseudonym) (6 May 2011). "How many views bởi you need đồ sộ be viral?" Will Video for Food (blog). Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  38. ^ "Characteristics – CMU Viral Videos". Retrieved 1 June 2016.
  39. ^ Burgess, Jean (2008).'All Your Chocolate Rain Are Belong đồ sộ Us?' Viral Video, YouTube, and the Dynamics of Participatory Culture "Video Vortex Reader: Responses đồ sộ YouTube". Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, pp. 101–109.
  40. ^ a b Moreau, Elise (30 October 2014). "10 Videos That Went Viral Before YouTube Even Existed". About Tech. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  41. ^ Peters, Lucia. "7 Incredibly Weird Viral Videos From The Early 2000s The Internet Was Inexplicably Obsessed With". Bustle. Retrieved 28 December năm ngoái.
  42. ^ a b c Kitroeff, Natalie (19 May 2014). "Why That Video Went Viral". The Thành Phố New York Times. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  43. ^ McIntyre, Hugh (16 December 2015). "YouTube's Most Viral Videos Of năm ngoái Are All About Music". Forbes. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  44. ^ "YouTube names best Clip winners". Đài truyền hình BBC News. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  45. ^ Heffernan, Virginia (27 March 2007). "YouTube Awards the Top of Its Heap". The Thành Phố New York Times. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  46. ^ Free Hugs on The Oprah Winfrey Show (30 October 2006): "Thanks đồ sộ a Clip on the trang web YouTube, Juan's movement is spreading worldwide—he is even organizing a global hug day!"
  47. ^ Katherine Leal Unmuth, Archived 10 July 2010 at the Wayback Machine[full citation needed]
  48. ^ Leopold, Wendy (19 March 2009). "YouTubing 101: Northwestern Offers Course on Viral Videos" (press release). Northwestern University. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  49. ^ Jackson, Cheryl V. (9 July 2009). "Passenger uses YouTube đồ sộ get United's attention". Chicago Sun-Times. Archived from the original on 15 January 2010. Retrieved 11 July 2009.
  50. ^ Stross, Randall (2 July 2006). "AOL Said, 'If You Leave Me I'll Do Something Crazy'." The Thành Phố New York Times. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái. "The technician, in Washington, had arrived at Brian Finkelstein's trang chính đồ sộ replace a faulty modem and had đồ sộ Gọi in đồ sộ Comcast's central office. Placed on hold just lượt thích powerless customers, the technician fell asleep after an hour of waiting."
  51. ^ Suri, Sabena (26 June 2006). "Sleepy Comcast technician gets filmed, then fired Archived 10 May 2011 at the Wayback Machine". CNET. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  52. ^ Ha, Tu Thanh. "'Star Wars Kid' cuts a giảm giá with his tormentors"; The Globe and Mail; 7 April 2006.
  53. ^ Wei, Will (12 May 2010). "Where Are They Now? The 'Star Wars Kid' Sued The People Who Made Him Famous". Business Insider. Retrieved 27 December năm ngoái.
  54. ^ Simon, Marie (22 July 2010). "Jessi Slaughter, nouvelle tête de turc du trang web américain". L'Express (in French).
  55. ^ Farquhar, Peter (20 July 2010). "Jessi Slaughter and the 4chan trolls – the case for censoring the internet". Archived from the original on 21 July 2010. Retrieved 23 July 2010.
  56. ^ Kindy, Kimberly; Fisher, Marc; Tate, Julie; Jenkins, Jennifer (26 December 2015). "For police nationwide, a year of reckoning: Officers fatally shoot nearly 1,000". The Washington Post. Retrieved 27 December 2015 – via Chicago Tribune.
  57. ^ Hellgren, Mike (23 December 2015). "Baltimore Co. Police Review Officer's Actions After Viral Video Surfaces". CBS Baltimore. Retrieved 27 December 2015.
  58. ^ "Viral videos wrongly hurt reputations of vast majority of police". Herald-Whig. 23 December năm ngoái. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 28 December 2015.
  59. ^ Alcindor, Yamiche (24 October 2015). "FBI director links 'viral videos' of police đồ sộ rise in violence". USA Today. Retrieved 28 December 2015.
  60. ^ Fausset, Richard; Southall, Ashely (26 October 2015). "Video Shows Officer Flipping Student in South Carolina, Prompting Inquiry". The Thành Phố New York Times. Retrieved 27 December 2015.
  61. ^ Graham, David A. (1 December 2015). "The Firing of Chicago Police Chief Garry McCarthy". The Atlantic. Retrieved 27 December 2015.
  62. ^ Meisner, Jason; Walberg, Matthew (2 December 2015). "City wavering on keeping Clip secret in another fatal Chicago police shooting". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 27 December 2015.
  63. ^ Seelye, Katharine (15 June 2007). "A Hit Shows Big Interest in Racy Material – and Obama" (Web). The Thành Phố New York Times. Retrieved 20 October 2009.
  64. ^ Wallsten, Kevin (2010). "Yes We Can": How Online Viewership, Blog Discussion, Campaign Statements, and Mainstream Media Coverage Produced a Viral Video Phenomenon, Journal of Information Technology and Politics.
  65. ^ Kohut, Andrew (11 January 2008). "The Internet's Broader Role in Campaign 2008". Pew Research Center. Archived from the original (Web) on 4 December 2009. Retrieved 25 November 2009.
  66. ^ Rutenberg, Jim (29 June 2008). "Political Freelancers Use Web đồ sộ Join the Attack". The Thành Phố New York Times. Retrieved 25 October 2008.
  67. ^ Cain Miller, Claire (26 October 2011). "Cashing in on Your Hit YouTube Video". The Thành Phố New York Times. Retrieved 21 November 2012.
  68. ^ McNary, Dave (13 February 2012). "Paramount inks scribe duo for canine romp: Project based on YouTube 'Dog Tease' video" Archived 18 August năm nhâm thìn at the Wayback Machine. Variety. Retrieved 21 November 2012.
  69. ^ Bahadur, Nina (21 January 2014). "How Dove Tried To Change The Conversation About Female Beauty". HuffPost. Retrieved 19 November 2015.
    • See also: Evolution on YouTube

External links[edit]

  • CMU Viral Videos A public data phối for viral Clip study.
  • Viral Video Chart Guardian News, UK.
  • Photos Gone Viral! Archived 25 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine — slideshow by Life magazine
  • YouTube 'Rewind' – YouTube's page covering their top-viewed videos by year and brief information on their spread.
  • The Worlds of Viral Video Documentary produced by Off Book (web series)